Wisdom tooth extraction

  • Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction

Teeth number 8 or wisdom teeth often grow very late, not only do they not play much of a role in chewing and grinding functions, but sometimes also cause problems with oral and maxillofacial health. Extracting tooth number 8 is the way many people choose to end the pain and risks caused by this type of tooth.

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Although tooth 8 (wisdom tooth) is small, it causes a lot of trouble and discomfort. If left for a long time, it can cause many dangerous complications such as bone loss, infection,...

1. Things to know when removing wisdom teeth

Wisdom tooth extraction is a very painful problem for every person who suffers it. After extraction, the patient will have to pay attention to the following:
- Hemorrhage: One of the causes of bleeding due to wisdom tooth extraction is that the patient rinses their mouth too soon after the tooth extraction. You need to wait at least 1 hour before rinsing because this is the time for platelets to gather into blood clots, sealing the wound in the blood vessels.
- Pain: Every tooth extraction causes the patient to feel pain, but wisdom tooth extraction is much more painful. The facial area has many nerves, so pain is a normal reaction of the body. The pain will gradually decrease as the wound gradually heals.


Nhổ răng 8

Tooth extraction

- Swollen tooth socket: This is a complication that can easily occur after tooth extraction and currently the exact cause of the disease has not yet been determined. If this condition occurs, you should see a doctor and be prescribed antibiotics until completely cured, usually the illness only lasts 1 week.
- Difficulty opening the mouth: After wisdom tooth extraction, the patient finds it difficult to open the mouth. It is a reflex to protect the wound and is not a cause for concern, it will go away in just a short time.

2. How to take care of your health when removing wisdom teeth

Each extracted tooth will leave a wound in the tooth bone and socket area. If you do not equip yourself with these notes when having a tooth extracted, it can lead to infection and leave many unwanted consequences.
- Use pain-relieving herbs as prescribed by your doctor to reduce pain.
- Apply ice to the extracted tooth area to reduce pain and help blood clot faster.

Nhổ răng 8

Nhổ răng 8

- If you see bleeding after 1 hour of tooth extraction, you can use a warm tea bag to apply to the extraction site and bite firmly.
- Gargle with warm salt water to clean the oral cavity. Brush your teeth and maintain good oral hygiene.
- Eat in moderation and get enough nutrients.

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